Poof — there goes another rising star Democrat

Broyles, apparently drunk out of her skull, made quite a spectacle in front of the teenagers. The mother of one of the teens subsequently called her out on Twitter for what must have been a very traumatizing event for all of the girls involved. This has since led to a lot of really bad PR for a really, really bad person hoping to win a seat in Congress.


Broyles got drunk and verbally berated several children, and she is now apologizing for the episode, blaming it on alcohol consumption in combination with medication she had “never taken before.” … Multiple accounts corroborated that Broyles became intoxicated and verbally disparaged some of the girls in attendance, saying she called one girl an “acne f*****,” another girl a “Hispanic f*****,” and a third girl a “judgy f*****,” according to Matthews, who initially spoke to a local nonprofit outlet NonDoc regarding the sleepover incident.

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