The empathy factor

In the most recent Quinnipiac poll, 34 percent said they liked Biden as a person and they liked his policies, while another 21 percent said they liked him personally but weren’t always happy with his policies. In other words, 55 percent of Americans like Biden personally, even if just 34 percent like his policies too. In fact, according to the cross-tabs Quinnipiac ran for me, almost a third (27 percent) of those who said they disapproved of the job the president was doing said they liked him personally.


Compare that to Donald Trump, who was, not surprisingly, much less personally popular than Biden.

In April of 2017 (the only time Quinnipiac asked this question), just 36 percent said they liked Trump personally, with just 9 percent saying they liked him personally but disliked his policies and 27 percent liking his policies and him personally. Meanwhile, another 50 percent said they disliked Trump personally and disliked his policies. The “double dislike” for Trump was 13-points higher than it was for Biden (37 percent dislike Biden both personally and policy-wise).

At the end of the day, Trump’s “nice guys finish last” persona earned him admiration from many in his base, but limited his appeal to swing voters.

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