P.J. O'Rourke and the death of conservative humor

Humorlessness has crept in its petty pace to the right, where it is conducted with North Korean-level solemnity by the bellowing myrmidons of MAGAdom. A sense of humor, much less self-awareness, are not traits found in cults of personality. If Tucker Carlson has said anything advertently funny, witty or self-knowing from his bully pulpit, I missed it. Maybe you had to be there…


P.J. wasn’t the only conservative pundit to vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016, but he didn’t try to spray Febreze on his ballot. He voted with clothespin firmly affixed to his nose. Mrs. Clinton, he said, was wrong “about absolutely everything,” except in one regard: She wasn’t Donald Trump. “Politics,” as he’d written, “is a necessary evil, or a necessary annoyance, or a necessary conundrum.”

The Trump era could have been one great big enormous sandbox for P.J. to play in. Instead, he found it dispiriting, a pageant of stupidity, boorishness and coarseness.

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