Exclusive poll: Answers to the midterm’s 2 big questions

Democratic governors have been trying to get ahead of pandemic fatigue by lifting mask mandates around the country. The country is moving further and further in that direction. Forty-nine percent of voters want mask mandates removed, while 43% say it is too early for states to rescind their mask mandates.


The tricky part for Democrats is that their voters are divided on the issue. A majority of Democrats still want mandates in place.

Support for a combination of masks and vaccines is dropping. Yes, a plurality of voters (49%) still feel that local governments should be encouraging Covid-19 vaccinations and masks in indoor public spaces, but that’s down 7 points since September. In the teeth of the pandemic, anti-masking sentiment was a fringe obsession limited to the right. But with the Omicron surge subsiding, it’s now mainstream — and growing in popularity.

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