DeSantis, Shapiro and company want to put my kid in the closet

On his Daily Wire podcast last week, Ben Shapiro dedicated most of a show to a defense of the closeting of gay teachers and students—or those with LGBT families.


Shapiro passionately defended restricting their speech about the most important people in their lives. He did so one day before dedicating an episode to poor, pitiable Joe Rogan and the left’s brutal campaign to silence him. (Airing these two episodes back-to-back does make one wonder what will happen if the IDW cancel culture bots ever achieve sentience.)…

In some ways it is a refreshing that the family values crowd is taking off the mask that they put on as gay rights has become not just normalized but trendy in American culture.

Seeing the same dickweeds who wanted to amend the Constitution to make my family illegal stand next to LGBTQ for Trump flags always left me feeling a little icky inside. It made you ponder whether they had been faking their previous position, or whether it’s the new rainbow paint job that’s fugazi.

The success of this bill in Florida, backed by both the Republican party’s heir apparent and the right’s most successful digital age media star suggests the latter.

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