In the 78 days between Election Day and the inauguration, Trump engaged in a protracted search for ways to overthrow the election. He pressured the Department of Justice, the Pentagon, and Homeland Security on a number of gambits to undo the results. He encouraged others to do the same. He pressured state officials too. Many of those efforts arguably came closer to succeeding than what took place on January 6. Never in American history has a person of such power taken such direct aim at such a core tenet of democracy. A sentence that should not inspire the reaction “Four more years!”
But it does. You’d still have room in the courtesy airport shuttle if you loaded it with every Republican of stature who would speak publicly against Trump’s fitness.
More typical are attestations to and encouragements of the coming Trump candidacy. Senator Lindsey Graham says he hopes Trump runs for president again and warns that dark forces are trying to keep that from happening. “I would just say to my Republican colleagues: Can we move forward without President Trump? The answer is no,” Graham said. “I’ve determined we can’t grow without him.” Senator Marco Rubio has pledged not to run if Trump decides to do so again, calling him “the most popular and most influential Republican in America.” Senator Rick Scott said Trump “ought to do it again” when talking about the former president’s four years in office.
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