News Alert: Joe Rogan is not Donald Trump. In fact, Joe Rogan is the least divisive, most intellectually promiscuous and broadly admired person in the media. Like Ferris Bueller, Joe Rogan is seen as a “righteous dude” by tens of millions of Americans. Rogan has the respect and trust of a Walter Cronkite, but with sleeve tattoos. In short, Joe Rogan is the last person that the Wokerati ought to poke because he is so refreshingly liberal, fair, decent and open-minded. In attacking Rogan, they are showing how intolerant they are and how scary their pursuit of truth is at core.
Neil and Joni, if your side wins—and Spotify bends the knee to your demands—it will mark peak woke and the beginning of your end. In defeat, Joe will just go elsewhere and everyone with a genuinely liberal bone in their body will follow. Most importantly, our present “Eat Me Last” public posture—from which you benefit mightily—will crumble. Enough people will see clearly the threat you pose to open-inquiry and they will gird their loins, say “enough!” and start pushing back at scale.
It’s ironic that two aging hippies are waging a Tet-offensive of sorts against Joe Rogan. Walter Cronkite’s change of mind on the war was the tipping point that changed the American mind and turned it against the Vietnam War. The attack on Rogan just might mark the beginning of the end of the progressive war on free inquiry.
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