In an audio chat with his followers on Sunday, Protzman claimed that Kari Lake, the former TV anchor who is now running for Arizona governor, had just finished speaking but was brought back up on stage by Trump, in order to show people that Trump was in fact JFK in disguise.
The basis for Protzman’s unhinged claim? Trump appeared to be shorter than he should have been.
While the number of people around Protzman in Dallas has dwindled from several hundred to a few dozen in recent weeks, he still commands a huge online following, and some of those watching the rally online claimed to have spotted JFK Jr. and his wife Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy (who died in the same plane crash as her husband) in the crowd.
Separately, a rapper called Pryme Minister, who is one of Protzman’s acolytes, claimed that two people seen behind Trump at the rally were actually Tupac and Kobe Bryant.
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