On Thursday, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said that Biden went “a little too far” in his rhetoric. The GOP is the party that was willing to default on the debt ceiling and usher in unprecedented economic turmoil to stick it to the liberals. Republicans have yet to meet a Democratic policy proposal they won’t compare to genocide, but Biden went too far.
The Biden administration’s poll numbers are lagging, and there are already rumblings of a tough midterm election for the Democratic Party. Part of the reason why is that the Democratic base is feeling abandoned by the people it elected. Instead of fighting fire with fire, Democratic politicians seem determined to let the GOP define the rules. Why should the party that doesn’t believe in anything beyond owning the libs and serving its donors set the parameters for politics and society?
Some of Biden’s biggest policy plans have been hampered by the idea that a president simply can’t do that. He can’t cancel student loans. He can’t encourage Congress to pass a massive voting rights bill. He can’t mandate that workers get vaccinated against a deadly disease.
Well, a president also can’t inspire thousands of his supporters to overrun the U.S. Capitol to overturn an election. And yet…
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