Some UNLV classes go remote -- for the entire spring semester

Just take today’s near-unbelievable news that the University of Las Vegas Law School is moving a number of its important classes — including all of its required constitutional-law and lawyering classes for 1L students — online for the entire spring semester. In an email to students, the UNLV dean wrote that the “adjustments to the spring schedule” were “based on individual professor preferences and pedagogical concerns.” In practice, that meant moving some upper-level courses and large swathes of 1L and 2L courses online for the rest of the semester. All that is on top of UNLV’s moving all of its classes online for the next two weeks. At least.


I chatted via text with one UNLV student who wished to remain anonymous. “Two of my classes, Lawyering Process and ConLaw, have been moved online for the entire year, regardless of the status of cases in the county,” he told me. “There is, of course, no discount for what will obviously be sub-par legal education, and it isn’t even clear if there will be in-person classes in 2 weeks! There’s no metric, no number of cases, that they’ve presented to us as guiding their decision-making process.”

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