Woodbridge, Va., native Brandon Brown, 28, whose first career victory in NASCAR’s second-tier Xfinity Series inadvertently spawned the coded vulgar insult, had hoped to compete this season in a red-white-and-blue Chevrolet sponsored by LGBcoin, a near-valueless cryptocurrency developed to monetize the right-wing slogan, which is a coded reference to “F— Joe Biden.”
Brown’s Fredericksburg, Va.-based team, Brandonbilt Motorsports, publicized the pending sponsorship Dec. 30, along with a photograph of Brown standing beside a car emblazoned with text promoting LGBcoin. But the announcement was premature, apparently based on an okay granted over the Christmas holidays by a NASCAR employee who was not authorized to sign off on the relationship.
It wasn’t until Tuesday that NASCAR executives reviewed the sponsorship proposal and decided against it. NASCAR informed the team of its decision Tuesday afternoon.
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