1. Do you support well-funded professional police departments? Being against defunding police doesn’t mean you oppose common-sense reforms to police practices, the kind Adams has championed. Nor does it mean that you do not understand and sympathize with those who have historically been mistreated by the police. Candidates must have a commitment to strong law enforcement to ensure public safety.
2. Are you in favor of securing and defending the integrity of our borders with reasonable restrictions on immigration? This doesn’t mean you don’t support a legal pathway for undocumented people living here and contributing productively to our nation. But it does mean you reject blanket immunity for undocumented immigrants who cross into the United States illegally.
3. Do you agree that only US citizens should be allowed to vote in US elections including state and local? Every Democratic candidate should be asked about New York City’s recently passed law granting noncitizens the vote in local elections. Even though it will be struck down as patently unconstitutional, any Democrat who can’t voice opposition to it should be rejected out of hand.
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