Why China got away with it

Whether the COVID pathogen was an accidental release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology or an act of Nature via infected bats or pangolins matters less than the cover up by the Chinese Politburo — delayed disclosure by months, and the persecution of medical experts who tried to tell the truth. That domestic flights in and out of Wuhan were shut down while international ones were allowed to continue speaks for itself. Did the Chinese Politburo think that China should not be the only country to suffer — and that the catastrophe should be exported and shared?


The world’s reaction to this monstrous act has thus far been relatively mild. The full force of the world’s media, governments and multilateral organizations, judicial processes, and multinational companies has not been brought to bear. Yes, there was some initial outrage but it has subsided and yielded to a broad acceptance of the status quo: it is what it is, as they say.

So why is this? There are certainly two reasons: 1) money, and 2) fear of kinetic action.

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