"Everyone who has ever screamed, ‘No more endless wars’ ... is a friggin’ idiot"

“China just has to prepare for subjugating their own people, that’s one of their big focuses, and then they have to focus on screwing with us,” Crenshaw continued. “Russia is primarily focused on its periphery. They want the Ukraine, that’s usually what they care about.”


Crenshaw continued by arguing that America has a different obligation in dealing with the world’s issues than China and Ukraine do. “We have to care about everything, and it should be that way,” he said. “I think too many on our side get hung up on this issue. They pretend we can be an Ostrich and hide and that just makes you an easy target. It’s unbelievably naive reasoning and dangerous reasoning and stupid.”

Crenshaw then took matters a step further. “Everyone who has ever screamed, ‘No more endless wars’ as their foreign policy is a friggin’ idiot.”

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