Liberals should resolve to be more tolerant in 2022. Democracy depends on it.

Samuel Abrams, a Sarah Lawrence College politics professor, found similar trends in his 2018 survey of 900 university administrators (people who manage professors and campuses). He reported, “Only 6 percent of campus administrators identified as conservative to some degree, while 71 percent classified themselves as liberal or very liberal.”


This year, student newspaper The Harvard Crimson surveyed 236 arts and sciences faculty members, and a mere 3 percent described themselves as “somewhat” or “very conservative,” versus 76 percent who identified as “somewhat” or “very liberal.” That’s a ratio of 25 to 1.

“While the University has made a concerted effort across the past decade to promote gender and racial diversity among its faculty, Harvard has not made any explicit attempts to bolster representation from across the ideological spectrum,” the paper’s Natalie Kahn wrote in April.

The left frightfully claims our democracy is under attack, but democracy’s root demos means “people.” If millions of liberals refuse to speak with and feel concern for millions of conservative people — even though liberals claim to be enlightened and tolerant — who is the threat to democracy?

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