Donald Trump's influence is fading

Looking back on the year, Trump’s attempts to wield his power over the GOP have been spotty. State-level attempts to overturn the 2020 election results have all failed, and when the former president pushed the governor of Texas to advance election audit legislation, it went nowhere. Meanwhile, his hand-picked candidate for the US Senate seat in Pennsylvania suspended his campaign amid allegations of domestic abuse. And in Alabama, his support for Senate candidate Mo Brooks appears to be having little effect (you may recall that Trump’s weakness showed in Alabama in 2017 when his picks for US Senate lost both in the primary and general election.)


Other Trump setbacks include the failure of his endorsed candidate in a special Congressional election in Texas. And those who are waging primary battles against incumbent Republicans who voted to impeach Trump after the January 6 insurrection are struggling with fundraising. In the most glaring example, January 6 committee member Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming — a Republican who may top the list of Trump’s enemies — has 10 times more campaign cash than her Trump-endorsed challenger, according to the most recent Federal Election Commission filings from October…

Trump and his TV allies have for months barraged McConnell with criticism. And despite the former president recently declaring McConnell “a disaster” who should be replaced, Republican senators seem to have no appetite for doing so, according to Politico.

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