Reflections on a 62-year marriage

I like to joke that another key to a successful marriage is to do what you’re told. There is truth to that, though. I do what I’m told by her, and we also do what we’re told to do together. That’s where Christ comes in. Jesus calls husbands to love and give all that they have to build up and care for their wives, just as Christ loved the church. He calls wives to submit joyfully to their husbands as to the Lord. It may not work for you, but it works for us.


When couples are newly married, they often begin by noticing their differences. As time goes on, however, couples truly become one person. And that’s the third lesson: a recognition that, as each year goes by, love is actually easier. It helps that she’s my best friend, and we share many interests. I love to fish, for example. I catch the fish, Kay cooks the fish, and we eat the fish. I, she and we. My part and her part become our part. People in a political environment think they have more stress than “real” people. It isn’t true. Many people have it tough. But stress shared is stress lessened. We love being together.

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