Tipping at restaurants has to stop

In fact, most of us have a standard amount that we tip when we eat out regardless of the quality of the wait staff, and restaurants are counting on that fact. Yet the idea that this payment represents a reward or punishment for servers makes it a power trip for many diners. The head of the dining party was recorded giving the money to Brandt with his arms around her as she cried, and was then posted on Instagram with a score that sounds like it comes from a music library marked “inspiring sunsets.”


The practice also enables all manner of endemic problems — sexual harassment, racial bias, income disparity. As Cornell University’s tipping expert Dr. Michael Lynn has found, both Black and white diners tip Black servers less. And cooks are chronically underpaid for their work, often making only half of what servers take home at fancy restaurants. And imagine how your relationship with a car salesperson would change if you tipped on the price of a car and what they might feel impelled to let you get away with because you get to decide how much they earn.

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