Fox silent about texts that expose Hannity and Ingraham's Jan. 6 hypocrisy

Fox News did not bother to air Monday night’s meeting of the House committee investigating the 1/6 attack. Neither did Newsmax or One America News. So right-wing TV audiences did not hear when Rep. Liz Cheney revealed that some of Fox’s biggest stars pressed Mark Meadows for help during the siege of the Capitol.


“Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home,” Laura Ingraham texted Meadows. “This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy.”

She knew. They all knew. They all knew the truth right away. But by the night of 1/6, Ingraham was spouting conspiracy theories about “ANTIFA” and excusing the peaceful “patriots” who, let’s be clear, paraded into DC based on a lie she pushed over and over again. Fox’s pro-Trump programming was partly to blame for the Big Lie, so when that lie led to violence, of course some of the hosts panicked and tried to put out the fire.

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