Chris Cuomo allegedly blasted Janice Dean as "that Fox weather bitch" in smear plot

Fox’s senior meteorologist Dean lost her mother and father-in-law to COVID in March and April of 2020, and became an outspoken critic of the governor and his deadly policy to allow COVID-19 patients into nursing homes, saying on “Fox & Friends,” “He needs to go to jail!”


According to a source, canned CNN anchor Chris wanted to fight to defend his brother and texted with Andrew’s staff about how to discredit Dean.

The source said Chris allegedly asked in a text to an Andrew Cuomo staffer how he could go after “this Fox weather bitch……Any help painting her as a far right crazy?”

It is also believed he participated in calls with the governor’s staff, including Melissa DeRosa, about how to hit back at Dean by focusing on her political leanings. However, as a meteorologist, she doesn’t usually get involved in politics.

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