Can the Trump Christmas ornament save America?

But back to the “Trump Save America” red-hat ornament – the email doesn’t specify what precisely America is getting saved from. Malaise? High inflation? A president’s supporters invading the Capitol to intimidate Congress and beat up cops while trying to overturn democracy? Some things are better left unsaid, perhaps. But what is said is that time is of the essence, because “President Trump REALLY wants you to have one of our beautiful Christmas ornaments, Matt Labash.”


When I click through, I am transported to a page with the amazing, fantastic, tremendous Trump Save America ornament hanging from a tree with shimmering Christmas lights. Though the ad copy belies the tranquil holiday setting, speeding me along in hurried italics: This one-time offer for a FREE ornament is available to you for ONE HOUR, so don’t wait. In case I didn’t get the message, a one-hour countdown clock is slapped on me, trying to force me into an impulse buy. Of course, like many things in Trump World, it’s fake. If you leave the page and come back, the clock starts over. Much like Trump tried to start the clock over on his presidency even after he lost the electoral college and the popular vote.

In fairness to Mr. Trump, due to the general blandness of his successor, one struggles to visualize what a Sleepy Joe ornament would even look like. (A manger? A bottle of Ativan?) And Trump’s isn’t the worst Christmas ornament I’ve ever encountered. Years ago, in another journalism life, I did a short investigative essay on bad Christmas ornaments. (I wasn’t exactly working the Bob Woodward beat.)


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