Poll: CNN and Fox viewers agree with decision to fire Chris Cuomo

CNN fired anchor Chris Cuomo last week, citing what it had just learned about his efforts to aid his brother, then-New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, respond to sexual misconduct allegations. In the latest Economist/YouGov Poll, Americans say they agree with CNN’s decision to fire Cuomo by an overwhelming five-to-one margin: 65% agree with the firing and 12% disagree.


Republicans and Democrats generally agree with the decision, and with each other. Republicans agree by 75% to 9%. Democrats, who may have started with a more favorable view of Cuomo and his brother, a Democratic politician, agree with his firing by 62% to 15%. Those respondents who say CNN is their top cable news source are a bit more conflicted. Still, by 49% to 23%, they agree with the firing.

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