But anyway, conservatives routinely argue abortion is tantamount to genocide against minorities, especially blacks, so vastly disproportionate are the numbers of non-white babies killed. Anyone who bothers to read what conservatives write and argue knows this.
It’s downright unnerving an abortion advocate would be so cavalier about the fact that most abortions in the United States are performed on black and Hispanic children. Smith even, perhaps jokingly, sees the matter as a possible selling point for conservatives. Is he, even jokingly, courting actual white supremacists to assist the “pro-choice” movement in ensuring abortion remains a fixed law of the land? Moreover, why doesn’t the fact that black and Hispanic children are aborted at higher rates than whites alarm Smith? By his own admission, abortion is artificially depressing the number of minorities in the country. This doesn’t bother him at all?
Again, pro-lifers are very much aware of abortion’s racial culling problem. They’ve highlighted this exact point, that abortion is wiping out entire communities, for several decades. There’s a reason why pro-life conservatives have spent years hammering the nation’s largest provider of abortions, Planned Parenthood, over its ties to its white power super eugenicist founder Margaret Sanger. And Sanger’s insanely racist ideology wasn’t just an odd personal quirk. It was fundamental to Planned Parenthood’s founding. I mean, for crying out loud, the subhead to the newsletter she edited for more than a decade at one time read, “Birth control: to create a race of thoroughbreds.”
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