Dr. Oz quacks the code of Republican politics

He also touted umckaloabo root extract as a cure for cold symptoms (it doesn’t work), and lavender soap for leg cramps (don’t bother). A 2014 study by Canadian researchers found that only 46 percent of the advice dispensed on the Dr. Oz show was based on science. The following year 1000 physicians signed a letter calling upon Oz to resign from the Columbia faculty. “He’s a quack and a fake and a charlatan,” wrote Dr. Henry Miller of Stanford.


Maybe prostituting your professional credibility for fraudulent products is nothing to get too exercised about. It certainly isn’t new—though the snake oil peddled in the 19th century was at least laced with cocaine or sometimes heroin. But Oz did more than abuse the trust of his audience by selling trash, he veered into outright harm when COVID arrived, advising viewers about a “self-reported hydroxychloroquine study” that showed great results. The con man didn’t bother to add that the study had not been peer-reviewed and its subjects consisted only of patients who were already near death.

Dr. Oz abuses every privilege life has handed him. He preys upon people with less knowledge and sophistication. He misleads even when it can cause harm. So naturally, Sean Hannity is ready to help launch his political career.

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