Woke culture has hit our police hard and now it threatens our safety

Rebuilding a demoralized police department won’t be easy. According to the New York Post, in the same study on the NYPD, a “staggering 80 percent of the officers, detectives, sergeants, lieutenants and captains surveyed now fear aggressively fighting crime because of the threat of criminal liability, being sued, or being unfairly disciplined.”


When most of your police department doesn’t want to be there, and a large majority don’t feel they can do their jobs, our cities are in peril. But like so much in woke culture, few will admit what we all know.

We need police to be motivated and empowered in order to have successful cities. The numbers don’t lie: the consistent attack on police has broken the social contract.

We have told police that we don’t need them to defend us and they have heard us loud and clear.

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