Infrastructure Republicans aren’t "traitors"

Elise Stefanik said the American Rescue Plan was “filled with pork projects, special interest giveaways, and the far-left’s policy wish list” in February. By April she was pointing out how “the Restaurant Revitalization Fund will open to assist restaurants and food establishments in their recovery efforts” — without acknowledging that the fund had been created by the bill she’d voted against.


Talk about having your handout and eating it.

It’s not farfetched to imagine that history might repeat itself here. Therefore on principle, the likes of Stefanik, Cawthorn and Greene should swear not to take a cent of President Biden’s grubby infrastructure money. “Let the bridges crumble and the roads crack,” they should cry, “the Democrats will never own us!”

There are, of course, solid conservative arguments against supporting the infrastructure bill. How can we be sure the money will be spent well? How slimy are the lobbyists who’ll secure the most lucrative government contracts? These questions are being asked by some Republicans — but they’re being drowned out by a louder one: why should we give the Dems a win?

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