Moments later, the ex-governor writes, Ivanka called Christie’s wife Mary Pat and continued the full-court press. “I know there have been problems between the governor and my husband’s family in the past. But you have my word, wife to wife, mother to mother, that I will make sure that nothing like that happens if the governor comes here,” Christie recalls the Trump daughter telling his wife, whom he described as “taken aback” by the conversation.
“By that point, I had pretty much decided there was no way I was going to take this job,” Christie confesses. “And the high-pressure campaign from the next generation, especially Ivanka’s call to Mary Pat, wasn’t about to convince me otherwise. I didn’t need to be the next Paul Revere.”
Ultimately, Christie called Trump to turn down the job offer. He recollects asking the president about the Axios leak. “There were only three of us in the room. I can tell you for sure I didn’t leak it,” he says he told Trump, who almost immediately confessed to doing the deed himself.
“He sounded very proud when he said that,” Christie writes. “If I had any doubts about my decision, at that moment they entirely disappeared.”
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