Turner reiterated his position that Ukraine “is it incredibly important to America” strategically given its location on the Black Sea and several NATO countries. Turner noted he hasn’t asked that the U.S. go to war with Russia, “but it is incredibly important” that the U.S. provides weapons and intelligence to the Ukrainians.
“But why is it incredibly important to Americans?” asked Carlson. “I mean, I know from a Ukrainian perspective it’s incredibly important, but why is it important enough to risk American lives to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine when by the way our own territorial integrity has been flagrantly violated by a million foreign nationals coming in over the past 10 months? I wonder why the emphasis on Ukraine’s borders and not ours.”
“Well, I think everyone has emphasis on our borders, Tucker. But certainly I think you would–”
“Have you called for American troops to our borders?”
“Everyone has called for American troops that is on our side, Tucker,” replied Turner, growing visibly irritated. “But I think what you’re missing is the fact that because the president has failed in Afghanistan, both Russia and China are looking at threatening their neighbors, including Taiwan, including Ukraine, countries that are important to both our allies and to the strategic importance of the areas in which they are.”
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