The work of Critical Race Theory falls on employers now

Albeit a dwindling number, white people still make up the majority (more than 60%) of the U.S. population. What’s become clear after last week is that a large number of them are feeling alienated. What does that mean for the guy you work with, the one you are seated next to in diversity training mandated by your employer?


One post-election lesson, says Lee Minor, is the language used to include white colleagues might need some revamping. “We need everybody to move forward,” she said. “So when we say, ‘We need white people to get on board,’ that alienates white people. They think, ‘Oh, I thought I was on board.’

“We need to change the message to: ‘This is the whole piece, we all live here, and everyone needs to be committed to making sure we have an inclusive community, process, and pipeline.’”

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