Aaron Rodgers and vaccine-skeptic whataboutism

In a long Q&A, Rodgers tried to argue it was actually his critics who had been dishonest (he’s a victim of “woke” “cancel culture,” you see). He also suggested his vaccine skepticism was warranted because the political roles were once reversed. He claimed vaccine skepticism was the provenance of the left before Donald Trump lost reelection, which means it’s only logical to ask questions now.


“When Trump in 2020 was championing these vaccines that were coming so quick, what did the left say?” Rodgers said. “And I’m talking about every member of the left. ‘Don’t trust the vaccine.’ ‘Don’t get the vaccine.’ ‘You’re going to die from vaccine.’ And then what happened? Biden wins, and everything flips.”

If you talk long enough to the conservatives in your life who are reluctant to get the vaccine, you’re quite likely to happen upon a version of this argument. And there’s something behind it. It’s just oversimplified and misses a lot of very important context.

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