Take note, AOC: Kyrsten Sinema’s bad style actually makes a statement

She has worn candy-colored wigs favored by cosplayers, 1950s style dresses and coats with a vintage feel that would suggest she’s a Stepford wife and over-the-knee boots once known as “f–k me boots.” She is a classic over-accessorizer pairing her chunky glasses with statement earrings and Wilma Flintstone beaded necklaces (pick one, please).


What is she telegraphing? Well, her style, just like herself, is silently screaming that she’s a complete and utter wildcard guided by an inner conviction. She doesn’t care about your rules, nor the expectations placed upon her by party or partisans.

Or as writer Stephen Miller, one of my favorite Twitter follows, often says, “she’s naughty.”

Sinema remains an enigma, sometimes wrapped in some very questionable clothing. While her contemporaries are hitting social media, doing Reddit AMAs and streaming themselves doing mundane household tasks, she is a closed book. And nothing is more intriguing — or infuriating, depending on your side — than people who don’t give it all away.

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