Virginia poll: Youngkin 45, McAuliffe 45

Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Glenn Youngkin are tied at roughly 45% each, according to a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll released Tuesday. But roughly 5% of likely voters say they are still undecided a week before the Nov. 2 election.


David Paleologos, director of Suffolk University Political Research Center, said the race is simply a “dead heat,” and will boil down to which party can get out its voters.

“It’s down to turnout,” Paleologos said…

Kondik said the USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll fits with other publicly shared surveys in recent weeks that show McAuliffe and Youngkin basically tied. He said the race always had the potential to be this competitive as long as the GOP didn’t nominate a “super Donald Trump candidate” too far to the political right.

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