According to Dreyfuss’s account, her son developed anxiety because of the undeniable difficulties associated with masking, not because the adults around him didn’t have a stiff upper lip. It was only after he started having these difficulties that she considered the impact of masks.
Our elites like to say that the rubes taking Ivermectin to cure COVID are behaving that way because of a political position they refuse to abandon. Perhaps so, but isn’t the same true of those who refuse to acknowledge that muzzling kids is, at best, of dubious benefit, and at worst, inhumane? Haven’t they painted themselves, politically and psychologically, into a corner? Why should we treat children like Batman villain Bane just so that grownups can feel marginally more at ease?
My wife recently had a conversation with a friend who was working through this cognitive dissonance. “I guess some of these COVID measures must be traumatic and harmful for children,” she said. But then her voice trailed off and she added with a sigh, “Well, kids are resilient.” Sure, but just because kids are resilient does not mean we have to be the cause of their problems.
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