We have written in this space of how much people in the arts and entertainment hate the regime and its rigid and capriciously imposed censorship. They know a new McCarthyism when they see it; they know a new Hays Office when they see that too. But they have to be careful, and they tell their writers and artists to be careful. They’re all walking on eggshells because they can’t always anticipate what will be Bad Thought next month. Have you noticed a strange repetition in story lines and themes in what you watch, an over-rotation of material and subject matter? This is because executives and artists are hoping what was safe last time is safe this time, so they do it again.
The whole woke project changes artistic decisions and misshapes art.
They know it. But people in entertainment have the best jobs in America—they’re well-paid, work with creative people and invent what’s on the screens in a nation of screens. They don’t want to jeopardize their positions. They know no one really has their back. So they’re pliant.
And the woke brigades know, and push.
If I am right, if we are inching toward Thermidor, it will be a partial Thermidor, as Thermidor itself was not a wholesale renunciation of all that preceded it but a corrective.
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