Once COVID-free, New Zealand prepares for 5,000 cases a week

Health Ministry modelling forecasts more than 5,000 cases per week in the Auckland and Northland regions next year, even assuming 90 per cent of the eligible population is vaccinated, Health Minister Andrew Little said on Thursday (Oct 14).


The figure does not include the rest of the country, where modelling is still being conducted.

“That’s the worst-case scenario, but even at that level the vast bulk of people who would get infected would recover at home, or somewhere else in the community, because the majority will be vaccinated and won’t suffer as badly as those who are unvaccinated,” Mr Little said in an interview with Radio New Zealand…

For most of 2020 and much of this year, while many countries hunkered down as the virus tore through populations, New Zealanders were able to enjoy life largely unencumbered by restrictions after community transmission was successfully eliminated. Concerts were held, rugby games continued, bars and restaurants were open, children attended school and apart from the border being closed, life was seemingly normal.

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