After Trump used his rally to mock-endorse Democrat Stacey Abrams — who is expected to mount her second campaign for Georgia governor after refusing to formally concede her last race for the office three years ago — Raffensperger wrote a USA Today op-ed comparing Trump to Abrams.
Next month he’ll publish a book called “Integrity Counts,” billed by Simon & Schuster as Raffensperger’s “inspiring story of commitment to the integrity of American democracy.”
“We’re out there setting the record straight. No. 1 is that President Trump did not carry the state of Georgia,” Raffensperger told POLITICO, pointing to multiple recounts, reviews and investigations that confirmed the accuracy of the Georgia results…
“It’s a conundrum on how to respond to some statements [from Trump] when they’re over the top, or they’re said pejoratively,” Raffensperger said. “If the former president has endorsed Stacey Abrams, I would think that would be shocking for most Republicans.”
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