The key thing here though is that while the drop among Democrats (9 points) and Republicans (12 points) is evident, it’s even larger among independents (19 points).
In some ways Biden’s disproportionate decline with independents shouldn’t be surprising. If you are less attached to a political party (which independents are as a group), you’re more likely to swing.
Additionally, the 2020 results with independents may have been more a reflection of displeasure with then-President Donald Trump than admiration for Biden. A dig into the exit polls reveals that even though Biden beat Trump among independents by 13 points, his own net favorability rating (favorable – unfavorable) was just +6 points with them. Trump’s, meanwhile, was -18 points.
Biden’s net approval is now basically where Trump’s popularity was with independents on Election Day 2020.
With Trump out of the picture, Biden’s now standing on his own record — one that a lot of independents seem less than impressed with.
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