“Let’s talk about CGI—computer graphics generated images. You know what CGI is? You know what deep fake videos are? I know you know what Photoshopping is,” Wood told a crowd in Glynn County, Georgia on Friday. The conspiracy theorist went on to suggest that the infamous videos and photos of the 9/11 attacks were just CGI or deep fakes.
“On 9/11 what appeared to be a plane hit one building, what appeared to be a plane hit another building, then later that night another building fell down. It wasn’t hit by a dadgum thing,” he said. Wood went on to claim that the Pentagon “got hit by a missile,” not a plane. “There were no plane fragments found at any of the sites—New York, Pennsylvania, the Pentagon.”
“There are no coincidences. We got played. We got played by people who are so evil that for money they killed 2,800 Americans on that day—including policemen and firefighters,” Wood said. He then called former President George W. Bush “a criminal” and said he should “go to jail.”
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