Joe Biden’s presidency is unraveling

On the economy, however, Biden is sliding. Americans quite liked Joe when he was introducing mega-spending bills. As inflation bites, however, and the stock market takes fright, his approval score for ‘handling of the economic recovery’ has declined from 60 percent in March to 55 percent in late August.


If the Democrats manage to pass Biden’s gargantuan infrastructure bill into law in the coming days, he might enjoy a sudden reprieve. But for now the polls strongly indicate that Americans are increasingly unhappy with their Commander-in-Chief.

The post-Trump honeymoon is long gone. Now the image Biden has tried to present of himself as a competent technocrat seems absurd as he shows signs of fatigue and mental exhaustion. His public performances on the world stage are increasingly embarrassing. It’s becoming ever more obvious that his handlers don’t want him answering questions from the press. That’s not healthy and voters can see it.

If the President and his administration cannot halt the drift, or reverse the creeping impression of terrifying incompetence, the Democratic party can expect a battering in the midterm elections next year.

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