Because of this attitude, the trials used in’s meta-analysis are all over the map. Sometimes the patients are blinded to the test treatment, while other times they know exactly what they’re getting. The dose over four days ranges from 12 milligrams up to 158 milligrams, and the timing of that dosing varies wildly. The age and comorbidities, end point measurements, and more show no consistency among the trials—sometimes those with comorbidities were excluded entirely, other times they weren’t.
In many cases, other drugs were administered at the same time (one trial lists ivermectin, azithromycin, and cholecalciferol; another just ivermectin; yet another azithromycin, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, and paracetamol). Time since infection varied as well.
In short, there’s absolutely no way these studies should be combined into a single analysis. And many of them involve so many additional drugs that it’s not clear if they can tell us anything about ivermectin at all.
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