My removal from a military board is partisan blacklisting

While it has been an unspoken tradition that previous White House press secretaries don’t criticize the job of the current holder of that job, Jen took to the podium to personally question my qualification and service. Each of us chooses how to serve this nation. I won’t ever question how anyone does that, including Jen Psaki. However, I won’t sit back and allow anyone to question my service, qualifications, or patriotism from the White House podium.


Joining the military and wearing the uniform of this amazing country remains one of the greatest decisions of my life. For 22 years, I have had the honor of serving alongside some of the most talented, patriotic and brave individuals America has to offer. I’m a proud graduate of the U.S. Naval War College. I have done multiple tours, and politics has never entered into my service. I have served under five presidents of both parties; when you wear the uniform, you serve the commander-in-chief. We take an oath, as officers, to the Constitution, not to a political party.

The service academies have traditionally been no-go zones for partisan politics. These hallowed institutions are where people come together to give their best and ensure our military’s future officers have the tools and education they need to successfully lead. Until now, just days before the 9/11 anniversary, no administration ever attempted to turn the service academies into an ideological weapon. Remember, it was Joe Biden who, in his inauguration, pledged to bring America together and unite our nation.


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