Beyond the fawning coverage they received from the media, each of these hero generals developed a cadre of personal acolytes whose loyalty struck outsiders as cult-like.
Part of Mattis’ attraction to Holmes may have rested on the similarity between her style and personality-driven military leadership. That affinity encouraged and then concealed failure in both cases.
Finally, the overlap between Theranos and Afghanistan demonstrates both the interlocking character of the American ruling class and the impunity that its members enjoy until their conduct becomes literally criminal. The same people who make decisions in Washington end up sitting on the same boards in Silicon Valley and appearing on the same New York-based cable channels. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not such a big deal that Mattis suffered few consequences for his involvement with Theranos. It’s hugely important, though, that he and other celebrity officers were not only promoted for their roles in losing a two-decade war, but that they continue to be celebrated and richly compensated as authors, management consultants, and national security wisemen.
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