The pandemic has exposed much about how humans relate to and care for one another. And it is not a good reflection on society. Partisanship and bragging rights must be set aside. This virus doesn’t care about political opinions. Unfortunately, too many view masks, vaccines, mandates, and treatment as a battle against an ideological enemy rather than an invisible foe.
It should go without saying that when a human being is suffering, compassion and care should be our first instinct. The deciding factor in whether or not to treat a COVID-19 patient should never be vaccination status. As with any illness, severity and urgency should be taken into account. Actions should not be colored by partiality. It is not much different than treating car accident victims who wear or don’t wear seat belts. Wearing a seat belt is a small action that can save your life, even if you are injured. But not wearing one should never be what dismisses an injured party to a lower tier. The more critical patient should always be helped first.
The COVID-19 vaccines are safe. They are effective. They are also a personal choice. It is widely known that not getting vaccinated may result in severe illness or death. An additional consequence should never be limited or withheld care.
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