The absurdity of all of this is insane-making enough when it comes to adults, but it is greatly intensified when it comes to children in schools. Despite the best efforts of the alarmist “experts” and their allies in the news media to make parents afraid, while the Delta variant has apparently made it more likely a child can get the virus, there is no strong evidence that the chances of them having a bad outcome from it have changed from the start of this nightmare, which has always been near zero (and there is no indication from schools around the world which have held regular classes without masks that this creates a more dangerous situation).
Then there is the issue of the potential harm masks do to children. Here, the entire scientific and news media establishments have bent over backwards to pretend that what any parent knows to be obviously true simply isn’t, with The New York Times even comically claiming that masks can actually HELP children learn (to be good liberals)!
The common sense reality is that wearing masks—forgetting that in the real world they are not clean—dramatically alter the school experience for the worse. First, the student associates school with the act of being forced to wear a mask, which, like my child, most of them see as a significant discomfort, thus greatly negatively impacting their view of schooling in general by bathing that perception in fear.
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