The vindication of Never Biden conservatives

With a track record like that, it is hardly a coincidence that the most ardent of the newly converted Biden “conservatives” had been the worst warmongering neocons previously — like Biden, wrong about everything.


The anti-anti-Biden pundits (and Biden boot-lickers like Jen Rubin) derided conservatives who were critical of both Trump and Biden as mere “anti-anti-Trumpers.” Over at the neocon asylum of The Bulwark, blogger Jonathan Last accused Rich Lowry, the National Review editor who oversaw the landmark issue of the magazine’s “Against Trump” issue, of jumping in bed with “a party infested with QAnon” and “birthers” because “he will criticize Trump while lacerating those who actually oppose him,” of course ignoring that neocons were happy to coexist with racist birthers long before Trump came down the escalator.

Last’s colleague, Tim Miller, branded Stephen Miller (no relation and no, not the Trump White House Stephen Miller) a “cos-play [sic] non-supporter” of Trump, even though the Spectator contributor never endorsed or voted for Trump.


The anti-anti-Biden camp’s utterly one-dimensional view of partisanship means that Miles Taylor, a former Trump administration official who literally orchestrated ripping kids from their mothers at the border, is welcomed with open arms by the group “Republican Voters Against Trump,” while Trump’s fellow thrice-married Charlie Skyes deems persistent Trump critics like Dan McLaughin an “anti-anti-Trump partisan” for lambasting Kamala Harris’s disregard for norms and limitations on executive power.

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