But let’s be clear that this is not meant as an act of political resistance or activism. I do not enjoy defying a governor’s order. As educators, we’re rule followers. That’s what we do as classroom teachers. We create expectations of behaviors and academic outcomes. But we are also critical thinkers, and we create critical thinkers. Anyone who knows me, knows that this was not something I wanted to do but it was something I needed to do.
Overwhelmingly the Austin community has supported our decision to require masks at school. Even those who disagree start their emails to me, “It’s clear that you’re in an impossible situation, but…” before expressing their perspective. That gives me hope that we can work through this.
To our students and families who disagree with this, we want to work with you individually. I do not want a one-size-fits-all. This is about our children. Ultimately, they must live with what we decide, and I’m confident we can work parent-by-parent, student-by-student to tailor our solutions rather than impose a blanket edict regardless of how broadly popular that may be with others. I think the Austin community will demonstrate in this moment that we can get through conflicts in a way that respects our different perspectives and teaches us how to balance personal freedoms with responsibility for each other.
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