It would be easy to dismiss these stories as the record of a hopeless addict. However, Biden was receiving massive payments from dubious foreign figures from China to the Ukraine to Russia during these years. The claim was that they needed his guidance on issues like energy development and financial dealings. Yet, Hunter Biden says that he was a wreck dealing with drug and alcohol abuse. Biden admits that he was still a crack addict running into his father’s last presidential campaign and the photos from China show him passed out and doing drugs as well as sexual trysts with various women, including possible prostitutes. In this book, Hunter admitted that he was still a crack addict and alcoholic: “[d]rinking a quart of vodka a day by yourself in a room is absolutely, completely debilitating” as well as “smoking crack around the clock.” Why would these sources be forked over millions to a self-admitted hopeless addict other than buying access and influence with his father?
The irony is considerable in this latest disclosure since Hunter Biden is referring to losing a series of laptops on the laptop that he would later abandon at a computer repair shop.
Now you have the son of the president saying that he believes the Russians have blackmail material on him but the media continues to struggle to avoid the story. Imagine if a laptop contained videos of Donald Trump Jr. having sex with an alleged prostitute while talking about how Russians likely have blackmail material on him. The media would reach critical mass with wall-to-wall coverage. Yet, most major media outfits continue to minimize or ignore such stories.
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