White House seizes an opportunity to whack DeSantis

Democrats say DeSantis’ approach to managing the current Delta variant surge poses a risk to him because it gives Biden an opportunity to question his competence and his seriousness in fighting a deadly virus, a criticism that worked with great success against Trump, according to one Biden adviser.


“DeSantis is Trump’s Mini Me,” the adviser said. “And he’s going to suffer the same fate as Trump. Unfortunately, a lot of people will get sick and die.”

Democrats also cling to the hope that Trump will become jealous with all of the attention DeSantis is getting and begin criticizing his protégé, but a Trump adviser told POLITICO that “it’s a pipe dream.”…

“From a 2024 perspective, Biden is launching the DeSantis for president campaign,” said Caputo, who recently moved to Florida. “They’re doing to DeSantis what they did to Trump: scaring the hell out of people and hiding any hope. Why are they singling out Florida so much but not talking at all about how the virus is modeled to recede?”

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