One Cuomo lesson: Don’t treat people like dirt

“There was a kind of constant culture of yelling and threatening,” reporter Rebecca Traister relayed from the governor’s office. He sexually harassed so many women, or made it clear that he valued them primarily for their looks, that he was very low on women willing to defend him.


Here’s another story from Traister about working for Cuomo: “You couldn’t let anybody know who you were interviewing for because there were rumors that the governor’s office would call and have your offer rescinded. They might not have valued you there. They might’ve been telling you every day — and this was also the experience of many people I spoke to — you’re doing a terrible job. They might transfer you to a place that you didn’t want to be, where you basically have no ability to do anything that you care about or good at, but they don’t want you to leave.”

State legislators had similarly prickly and demeaning dealings with the Luv Gov.

Yet, for decades, he got away with it. You see, if you’re the son of the governor, you get away with stuff other people don’t get away with. If you’re a Cabinet official, you can get away with it. If you are the Democratic nominee for governor, or the Democratic governor, amid a Democratic-dominated national and statewide media, you can get away with treating people like dirt.

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