Gov. Cuomo, at least Nixon had the decency to quit

There would not seem to be any chance Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, who would succeed Cuomo as governor, could pardon him even if she wanted to, or that he could pardon himself. State law allows clemencies but limits a governor’s pardon power to several categories, including proof of innocence and to avoid deportation.


Cuomo also would face other hurdles, especially the requirement to show “a substantial period of good citizenship.” He certainly can’t pass that test, and any office holder impeached is not eligible.

Restrictions aside, talk of a pardon offers a measure of how far Cuomo has fallen from his high horse. In a bit of political grandstanding in 2019, he signed a bill saying anyone then-President Donald Trump pardoned under federal law could still be prosecuted for the same crimes in New York.

“No one is above the law and New York will not turn a blind eye to criminality,” Cuomo declared. The new law “gives prosecutors the ability to stand up against any abuse of power.”

Pot, meet kettle.

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